Irene Salzmann Raiffeisenstrasse 11 D-85402 Kranzberg GERMANY Phone/Fax: 0 49 - 0 81 66 - 34 46 Irene Salzmann was born in Speyer on the Rhine, Germany, in 1963. She finished her girl's high school in 1983 and moved to Munich to study Sinology (Chinese culture), Japanology, and Ethnology at the Ludwig Maximillian University. While attending the university, she met and later married Eugen Salzmann, who is a development engineer, in 1985. After their marriage, they moved to Kranzberg, about 20 miles north of Munich. They have three children; after the second was born, she dropped her university studies to concentrate on being a housewife and mother. Irene's hobbies include reading, drawing, writing (science fiction and fantasy, contemporary stories, book critiques, and letters in German and English), listening to music, collecting (American comics, trading cards, etc.), and taking photographs and films. She is also a member of a film team which has a television show broadcast from a regional private broadcaster (it shows art, popular science, and more). Her drawings and stories have been published in magazines in Germany, America, and several other countries. She also converts some of ther artwork to rubber stamps, which she sells to interested parties.